Spread of the Month: Midwinter Meditation

Midwinter Meditation Spread

by Alison Coals

With less than a week to go until the Winter Solstice and Yule, followed quickly by Christmas, my mind has been on the turning of the wheel and the ‘still point’ that’s approaching – the point at which the hours of light and dark are in balance. We’re about to hit what some people call the ‘height’ of winter (well, in the Northern hemisphere, at least!), although I tend to think of it as the ‘depth’ – seeking shelter and warmth in the depths of buildings, hibernating. As we go within, we often use this time to reflect on what’s brought us around to this point once again, and to dream and plan our onward journey.

The following 6-card spread was inspired by a lovely celebration of this time of year, which I recently attended. We drew on the qualities of Holly and Oak to represent the dark and light halves of the year, as we focused on the balancing of dark and light at the solstice, and on that period of contemplation. We then ‘walked’ the rest of the year, considering the corresponding stages of growth as our journey progresses.

Midwinter Meditation Wreath: Winter, Holly, Oak, Spring, Summer, Autumn

Winter is where we are now. The trees are bare but the evergreens remain, giving us hope as we return to longer days. Now we can rest, and dream of the abundance to come.
What do I need to consider at this ‘still point’?

Holly represents the dark half of the year, and the promise of the return of abundance. Its prickly leaves protect us while we rest, until the light returns.
What protects me during this time?

Oak’s time is the light half of the year. Oak represents wisdom – wisdom inherited and passed down, as well as the wisdom we’ve gained from our own experience.
What wisdom can I draw on during this time?

Spring is the time when the earth begins to stir once more. We see new shoots emerging – the promise of the primroses and snowdrops. It’s the time of awakening, and greeting the light.
How can I nurture new idea(s)?

Summer. The sun is high, warming and casting light on all that grows – supporting and strengthening that growth.
What strength can I use to support new growth?

Autumn. We separate the wheat from the chaff at the harvest – we keep the wisdom and insights that carry us safely on my journey, and let go of what’s no longer needed.
What will I need to let go of? (You could draw two cards here – what to keep, and what to let go of!)

1 Comment

Chloe · December 16, 2019 at 7:47 am

What a lovely spread for the end of the year
Though it is the height of summer here, I still think everything goes very still on christmas day and around that time just after.

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