Learn more about the fundamental roots of Tarot with artist, designer, and Qabalist Heather Mc-Cabe Jones from Numinous Press!
You’ll come away with a fresh understanding of how and why Colour is so important to Tarot, and a new way to access the deeper meanings of the cards. Whether you’re a Tarotista, an artist, an esotericist, a historian or all of the above, you’ll find this to be a transformative afternoon for sure.
You’ll also come away with a bespoke colouring book that Heather has designed just for this course!
The workshop will be recorded. Everyone who purchases a ticket will receive a link to the recording and a link to the workbook.
The workshop starts at 2pm UK time / 9am EST
Sharon O'Connor · October 12, 2023 at 5:04 pm
Is this in GMT time?
Pengwen · October 13, 2023 at 8:31 am
Yes, the event starts at 2pm UK time.
David Bartlett · October 23, 2023 at 9:28 am
Hi! Unfortunately I missed this conference but would like to watch the recording. Can I still pay for the event and receive the recording or is it only for people who attended at the time? Many thanks. David