Dear friends and colleagues,
Nicola Tesla said that “if you want to understand the Universe, you need to think in terms of energy, vibration and frequencies”.
I base my understanding of the manifestation process on this. And so, whenever I am reading Tarot to my sitters, I am actually sharing with them the way I feel they are vibrating.
The following post is a short summary from “The Little Book of Divine Engineering”, a non-religious approach to the process of manifestation and how you can support your own awakening into 4D, 5D, etc.
I hope you enjoy.
Water, at room temperature, is a liquid, transparent stone, with the capacity to flow on a surface as in a river, fall freely as in rain or a waterfall, or remain contained in our glass. It is free to move, but it will still be strongly subject to gravity. If we put it in the freezer, it will vibrate at much lower frequencies and become solid, so it will not flow any more and we will not be able to put our hands through it. Last, if we heat it enough, thus raising its vibrating frequencies, it will be more free from gravity and blow away like a free cloud, being able to move without a supporting surface.
In other words, the higher the vibrating frequencies, the more possibilities become available; the lower the frequencies, the less possibilities we will be offered.
Let's see how we perceive frequencies as they change.
Between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, we perceive frequencies as sound. These frequencies can be divided into ranges as is the case of the white keys of a piano. We have a range going from Do to Si, which we call a scale. Then, in the next scale, we have again the keys from Do to Si, but all of them with higher vibration frequencies.
Different instruments vibrate at different frequencies, as is the case of a cello and a violin.
Once the frequencies go above 20,000 Hz, we stop “hearing” them but, soon after, we start perceiving them again, through vision. First as shades of red and, at the end of the visual range, as dark purples. And then again, we stop perceiving them.
In other words, our perception is divided into 5 main frequency ranges, one for each of our physical senses.
Music is the combination and variation of the sound frequencies around us. We personally enjoy certain combinations and interpret them as pleasurable, while others may enjoy a different style, according to their taste.
What we perceive with our eyes is also a form of music, only we perceive it with a different sense, which means within a different range of frequencies. When we look at the landscape from the top of a mountain or visit a forest, for example, our eyes perceive a pleasurable visual “music” we call beauty.
In fact, we can combine frequencies from different senses in a pleasurable way: a beautiful accord, even if what we are pleasurably perceiving is not only made of sound frequencies.
The funny thing is that emotions and thoughts also have their vibration frequencies. Although we can't perceive them with a physical sense, we can still be aware of them. In the following graph, you can see that Fear, Guilt and Shame have the lowest frequencies, while Joy, Love and Enlightment have some of the highest ones:
Can you see the enormous difference between perception and awareness?
Perception allows us to be in contact with our outer bubble of manifested circumstances – the consequences - while awareness allows us to be in contact with our inner world of thoughts, emotions, memories, dreams and even the connection with our Spirit for self-guidance – the causes behind manifestation.
The Kybalion talks to us about this in its 6th Principle – the Principle of Cause and Effect:
This outer bubble where we see our life manifested is just a bubble of consequences, co-created and orchestrated by our inner world's music. According to Plato's allegory of the cave, what we so clearly perceive around us is but shadows in a gray scale, while our inner world is where we can find the real colourful causes of what we wrongfully call our reality.
Up until recently, the main focus in a Tarot reading was to deal with the analysis of what is around the sitter. Many readers already moved to the 5D way of looking at the inner world of causes. What is the sitter thinking, feeling and dreaming? Or, in other words, how is the sitter vibrating? What accords are playing in his/her inner world?
Personally, I point my deck of cards as a camera and take a snapshot of the sitter's inner world, where the sitter's life is being co-created. Which allows the sitter to move from the already familiar Law of Attraction to its predecessor – the Law of Vibration. Which brings back the sitters to the driving seat as they are able to see what they are causing, why and how.
Also, the “future” is not important any more, because it's just where the sitters are pointing from their here-and-now. The moment they become aware of their inner world and choose to change it, they are empowered to point to a different future, a different timeline or, as Neville Goddard used to call it: they become available to move into a different state.
Coming back to vibration frequencies, the further we go into our inner world, the higher the frequencies become. And, as we were saying in the beginning, the higher the frequencies, the higher the possibilities.
If our outer world of manifestation is 3D, the next range within us is 4D, which the scientists are calling Quantum Time. According to them, in a scientific, demonstrable way, all moments are connected.
These 4D frequencies have been commonly used by hypnotherapists for quite a while, when they help us go back in time and talk to our hurting inner child.
For example, you may have a feeling of abandonment because your Father went away as you were a child. As an adult, you now know that it happened because he was drafted into the army, but your inner child didn't have a chance to process this emotionally. And so it is still sending suffering ripples of abandonment through 4D. Which you then project into your relationships, possibly casting guilt onto your partner because you feel he is not around for you.
The hypnotherapist will help you, in your non-perceivable awareness, to hold your inner child in your arms, so that the adult-you can tell the child-you: “I am you in the future and I came to tell you that I am strong and safe. Our Father didn't abandon us, he just had to go away to make us all safe.” After a while, your inner child will digest this and stop sending the hurting ripples through the 4D frequencies of Quantum Time. Soon after, the last ripple will reach you and so, as a grown-up, you will start feeling safer and more confident in your relationships.
Next, even deeper, you will reach your 5D frequencies, where you become aware of your Spirit's reality, this life's purpose and how you are healing so much with your presence here: your other incarnations, your ancestry line, the global geostrategic collective, etc.
You are a divine multi-tasker, even if you are not aware of it. And trying to perceive it won't help because all of this is happening at awareness frequencies.
So I take the opportunity to thank you for the work you may not know you are doing.
Feel free to read more about this in The website is still under construction, and feedback is most appreciated.
I hope you enjoyed, my next post is about how we can perceive the Elements in Tarot and, especially, how we can sometimes be traversing their frequencies upwards or downwards.
Nicola Tesla said that “if you want to understand the Universe, you need to think in terms of energy, vibration and frequencies”.
I base my understanding of the manifestation process on this. And so, whenever I am reading Tarot to my sitters, I am actually sharing with them the way I feel they are vibrating.
The following post is a short summary from “The Little Book of Divine Engineering”, a non-religious approach to the process of manifestation and how you can support your own awakening into 4D, 5D, etc.
I hope you enjoy.
Water, at room temperature, is a liquid, transparent stone, with the capacity to flow on a surface as in a river, fall freely as in rain or a waterfall, or remain contained in our glass. It is free to move, but it will still be strongly subject to gravity. If we put it in the freezer, it will vibrate at much lower frequencies and become solid, so it will not flow any more and we will not be able to put our hands through it. Last, if we heat it enough, thus raising its vibrating frequencies, it will be more free from gravity and blow away like a free cloud, being able to move without a supporting surface.
In other words, the higher the vibrating frequencies, the more possibilities become available; the lower the frequencies, the less possibilities we will be offered.
Let's see how we perceive frequencies as they change.
Between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, we perceive frequencies as sound. These frequencies can be divided into ranges as is the case of the white keys of a piano. We have a range going from Do to Si, which we call a scale. Then, in the next scale, we have again the keys from Do to Si, but all of them with higher vibration frequencies.
Different instruments vibrate at different frequencies, as is the case of a cello and a violin.
Once the frequencies go above 20,000 Hz, we stop “hearing” them but, soon after, we start perceiving them again, through vision. First as shades of red and, at the end of the visual range, as dark purples. And then again, we stop perceiving them.
In other words, our perception is divided into 5 main frequency ranges, one for each of our physical senses.
Music is the combination and variation of the sound frequencies around us. We personally enjoy certain combinations and interpret them as pleasurable, while others may enjoy a different style, according to their taste.
What we perceive with our eyes is also a form of music, only we perceive it with a different sense, which means within a different range of frequencies. When we look at the landscape from the top of a mountain or visit a forest, for example, our eyes perceive a pleasurable visual “music” we call beauty.
In fact, we can combine frequencies from different senses in a pleasurable way: a beautiful accord, even if what we are pleasurably perceiving is not only made of sound frequencies.
The funny thing is that emotions and thoughts also have their vibration frequencies. Although we can't perceive them with a physical sense, we can still be aware of them. In the following graph, you can see that Fear, Guilt and Shame have the lowest frequencies, while Joy, Love and Enlightment have some of the highest ones:
Can you see the enormous difference between perception and awareness?
Perception allows us to be in contact with our outer bubble of manifested circumstances – the consequences - while awareness allows us to be in contact with our inner world of thoughts, emotions, memories, dreams and even the connection with our Spirit for self-guidance – the causes behind manifestation.
The Kybalion talks to us about this in its 6th Principle – the Principle of Cause and Effect:
This outer bubble where we see our life manifested is just a bubble of consequences, co-created and orchestrated by our inner world's music. According to Plato's allegory of the cave, what we so clearly perceive around us is but shadows in a gray scale, while our inner world is where we can find the real colourful causes of what we wrongfully call our reality.
Up until recently, the main focus in a Tarot reading was to deal with the analysis of what is around the sitter. Many readers already moved to the 5D way of looking at the inner world of causes. What is the sitter thinking, feeling and dreaming? Or, in other words, how is the sitter vibrating? What accords are playing in his/her inner world?
Personally, I point my deck of cards as a camera and take a snapshot of the sitter's inner world, where the sitter's life is being co-created. Which allows the sitter to move from the already familiar Law of Attraction to its predecessor – the Law of Vibration. Which brings back the sitters to the driving seat as they are able to see what they are causing, why and how.
Also, the “future” is not important any more, because it's just where the sitters are pointing from their here-and-now. The moment they become aware of their inner world and choose to change it, they are empowered to point to a different future, a different timeline or, as Neville Goddard used to call it: they become available to move into a different state.
Coming back to vibration frequencies, the further we go into our inner world, the higher the frequencies become. And, as we were saying in the beginning, the higher the frequencies, the higher the possibilities.
If our outer world of manifestation is 3D, the next range within us is 4D, which the scientists are calling Quantum Time. According to them, in a scientific, demonstrable way, all moments are connected.
These 4D frequencies have been commonly used by hypnotherapists for quite a while, when they help us go back in time and talk to our hurting inner child.
For example, you may have a feeling of abandonment because your Father went away as you were a child. As an adult, you now know that it happened because he was drafted into the army, but your inner child didn't have a chance to process this emotionally. And so it is still sending suffering ripples of abandonment through 4D. Which you then project into your relationships, possibly casting guilt onto your partner because you feel he is not around for you.
The hypnotherapist will help you, in your non-perceivable awareness, to hold your inner child in your arms, so that the adult-you can tell the child-you: “I am you in the future and I came to tell you that I am strong and safe. Our Father didn't abandon us, he just had to go away to make us all safe.” After a while, your inner child will digest this and stop sending the hurting ripples through the 4D frequencies of Quantum Time. Soon after, the last ripple will reach you and so, as a grown-up, you will start feeling safer and more confident in your relationships.
Next, even deeper, you will reach your 5D frequencies, where you become aware of your Spirit's reality, this life's purpose and how you are healing so much with your presence here: your other incarnations, your ancestry line, the global geostrategic collective, etc.
You are a divine multi-tasker, even if you are not aware of it. And trying to perceive it won't help because all of this is happening at awareness frequencies.
So I take the opportunity to thank you for the work you may not know you are doing.
Feel free to read more about this in The website is still under construction, and feedback is most appreciated.
I hope you enjoyed, my next post is about how we can perceive the Elements in Tarot and, especially, how we can sometimes be traversing their frequencies upwards or downwards.