9 of Discs
Stability; physical security; secure income; solid friendships; freedom to explore from a stable base; flowing lifestyle; income building; savings; structure and organisation as foundation for success; knowing when to yield and when to stand firm; new projects started for future stability; understanding the root of your success and building on it; clarity of thought from seeing big picture; spiritual roots of physical work; doing your soul work; support from people; appreciation of a persons unique qualities; acceptance of difference; success even in seemingly impossible situations through adaptation; flexibility; strength; wisdom.
Denial of security present; inability to see positive effects of difference; fear of financial loss; forgetting to create the future in times of success; not being in tune with what is needed; trying too hard; refusing help offered.
When this card comes into your spread you are in a good position financially and physically, also your relationships are working well. Each person in your environment has their own role to play in helping you move forward and as you accept their help you give them value and respect. It is also a time to realise that new ideas you have are worth acting on even if some will not come to fruition. As you allow yourself to feed your new ideas little by little you keep the flow of security in your life steady. You may not see where they ultimately lead, but they will ensure a richness in the future.
1. Are you aware of the support you have around you? Who supports you and how?
2. Look over your business and home life – what has led you to this place at this time? What will you look back to now that is the foundation of your future?
3. What are the differing roles of all the people in your life?
• Take a step back and view the bigger picture then you can see what is really needed in the way of action at this time – it may be less than you think.
• Appreciate all those who have helped you get to where you are, see even the smallest role with its importance to your success at this time.
• Make use of those who offer to help you, call in favours at this time and work as a team to create something more than you could achieve on your own.
I work well in teams.
Together with others, I share in joint successes.
I am safe and secure.
I embrace a secure and fulfilling future.
I have all I need.
Emma welcomes any comments on this article or the visualisations you do following this method. Email her on emma@tarot-training.co.uk.
Emma works as an intuitive psychic tarot reader and runs one to one online training courses on reading with the Thoth tarot deck using a unique blend of intuition and psychological techniques. This has now been extended to working intuitively with RWS style decks too. She also mentors other professional and non-professional tarot readers. She offers visualisation MP3 downloads for intuition development, tarot readings F2F, telephone or distance, and healing – see her website for details: http://seeds-of-light.co.uk/
Emma has a Bsc in Psychology and is a trained counsellor, counselling supervisor and trainer. She integrates this experience in her Tarot work, and in her self-written training courses for personal development, Tarot and Tarot mentoring.