When we read tarot for ourselves with the Thoth, we are likely to have a position in the spread which is the main focal point. It might be the outcome card, or the ‘card to focus on’ or the ‘key’. It could also be the card that we are most drawn to and seek answers from. Focusing on this card in detail is a good way to build your Thoth knowledge, both in a traditional way and in a very personal way; the way it speaks to you, guides you experientially. It gives us a direct relationship with the cards and aids memory of and depth to, interpretations of the card in the future.

We can approach this card in a number of ways:
 academic study
 meditation
 journeying
 holding the card consciously through life experience

The Academic Study
Here we go to the books we have, the online resources to gain a deeper understanding of the card technically. The correspondences (777 is a good resource for this); the astrology depicted, including decans; the Qabbala associations; any mythology connected; and how others have interpreted these elements. As you read around the card watching out for aspects that seem to click with your situation, ah ha moments, and things that relate to other themes in the reading. Listening for your intuitive click whilst keeping an open mind is an important part of this process. Take the experience of this process with you as you consider the other methods.

Traditional meditation on the card
Sitting quietly in front of the card you allow different parts of the card to pop out as significant. Using inner discursive meditation you describe the images, that jump out, to yourself, and allow your spontaneous associations to form. Taking 5 cups in a relationship reading as an example: Perhaps the cups on a card remind you of cups your nan had and your relationship with her was fulfilling. This aspect represents solid reliable relationship, another image section, perhaps the orange flowers, seem like globules that appear to miss the cups. This leads you to consider; is there something being offered in the relationship you are concerned with, that you are finding it hard to accept or receive? Would a change in position help? What are you letting go of that is not being received or acknowledged?

Creative visualisation, pathworking or journeying technique
Here you walk directly into the card in a meditative process, initially seeing the card image and as you progress, you see the environments change travelling on a personal journey into different terrain within the card energy. This gains you intuitive insight as you assess and reflect on your journey after you return you ordinary consciousness.

Holding the card consciously through life experience.
Having explored one of more of the above you can then mindfully carry the card with you through the day or weeks. Give your unconscious mind the intention to work on finding this card’s message to you. Watch out for patterns of action, behaviour or events around you in your day that seem significant. At that moment, recall the card in your mind, with earlier information and experiences, comparing it against the current situation. Ask yourself what is the connection between the the card and now? e.g.

 Does the imagery speak into this situation? In the example, am I feeling I am sad the relationship doesn’t match my hopes? Is there a place I can move to physically, emotionally, spiritually to see it in a different light?
 How might the situation that has just unfolded relate to a correspondence? For e.g. the astrology: How is Mars speaking here? (Mars is on the card, connected to the Qabbala, Scorpio and decan of the card, so a powerful influence). Where is anger? What drive is overdone? How is Scorpio speaking here? Are there taboos active? What is unsaid that needs saying? What needs to die?
 Similarly consider the other aspects from previous considerations and journal your
thoughts and realisations.

As you work through the card you may find its meaning and your understanding changes;
you begin to see the whole story of a card in your situation rather than just the initial concepts you latched onto. When flowing at its best, you can experience moments where everything feels very connected – both in your life, as well as how it is mirrored in your reading and this specific card. Often, once started, these processes of inner analysis take place almost by themselves, we come in and out of awareness of the process through our day. We hear our own intuitive and inner being in our conscious thoughts and we come to a greater self understanding triggered by the tarot. This feeds back into a depth of knowledge of the tarot to draw on intuitively when using the Thoth with others. You can encourage this process by having the image of the card with you; perhaps as a backdrop on your phone or desktop on your computer. The Thoth is particularly powerful for this type of process as so many systems of spiritual and psychological thinking have been built in visually to the Thoth cards, each can help us access the information a card is bringing forward intuitively without having to know or remember all of the technical

Emma works as an intuitive psychic tarot reader and runs training courses on reading with the
Thoth tarot deck using a unique blend of intuition and psychological techniques and focus on
personal development. She has been working with the Thoth deck for over 30 years. She also
mentors other professional and non-professional tarot readers.
Emma has a MSc in Psychotherapeutic counselling. She integrates this experience in all her work

with the tarot.



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