- Deck Title: Spirit Of The Drum Oracle
- Author: Barbara Meiklejohn-Free & Flavia Kate Peters
- Illustrator: Morgan Fitzsimmons
- Publisher: Rockpool
- RRP: US $24.95; UK £18.99
- ISBN No: 978-1-92278-6715
- Reviewed by: Clair Telford
There is something energising that raises a tingle throughout my entire body the moment I hear drums. Those that are played individually like a Bodhran Drum to a gathering of those that weave and raise energy at sporting events or even a bit of a heavy metal air drum! From tribal to military there is something that stirs a vibration through the soul the moment the rhythm starts.
I was incredibly happy to receive this deck for review and it doesn’t disappoint. From the outset Rockpool delivers a very sturdy 2 part box, a handy pocket size 130 page guide book and of course the cards themselves! Thirty-six red gilt edged cards that contain a stunning array of images that illustrate many levels of culture and spirituality in beautifully drawn pictures.
What would we consider the first drum we hear? That of our mothers heartbeat as we develop in the womb? I wonder how our ancestors would come to have made their drums and what drove them to make this sound that would call out to their people or Nature herself? These are the
questions that both Barbara Meikle-John and Flavia Kate Peters were thinking and might answer, when they created this deck. They are both High Priestesses and teachers of natural and ancient magic and earth based traditions. They are both leaders of Sweat Lodges and teach drumming workshops, and have between them 70 years of experience working in ancient teachings.
The guide book gives you an introduction, how to use the cards and a detailed guidance of each card and how to incorporate beats and a mantra to use each card. There is a quote on page 5, a beautiful message that reads:
Pray with me before we start
We’ll journey deep into your heart
Invoking trance, awake the soul
We drum as one until you’re whole
There are 4 card spreads that you are invited to try and each card has a drum guidance, a beat and drummery explanation. It is perhaps fair to say this deck is not one that you would be able to understand straight away. I have had a couple of weeks to review and a few daily card draws to see how this feels and the messages to listen to.
The cards shuffle well (not too glossy) and actually have a nice sound as they intermingle with each other. The backs have a pattern that makes me think of drawings that would have been made by our ancestors. The cards themselves have an image depicting the style of drum and a setting of solitary or group gatherings with the drums name and a one word title.
I chose to also listen to the Spirit of the Drum podcast which is available. A beautiful meditation style that talks about choosing your first drum and connecting to all the elements around us.
It explains how to use the different beats described in the guidebook. A very valuable addition to enhance the journey Barbara wants you to go on. Also a chance to really get to understand the deck if audio learning helps your own understanding.
I think that if you discover a connection, a calling to deep spiritual practice, you will enjoy this oracle for a long time to come. I will use this throughout my own voyage with drumming rhythms as it lifts me up. There is a universal language that can connect us all in the act of beating a drum.