TABI’s Aims
- – To promote the highest standards of ethics in teaching and reading Tarot.
- – To offer mentoring of a high standard.
- – To promote Tarot as a force for good and development in a person’s life.
- – To provide a network of fellow Tarot readers and enthusiasts for mutual support, discussion and experience.
- – To provide information and inspiration via a website and regular e-magazine.
Members of TABI are expected to adhere to the following Code of Ethics.
TABI’s Ethics
- – Readings are in confidence between the client, the reader and TABI.
- – Readings aim to help the client to take charge of their own life.
- – Clients will be treated equally and with respect.
- – Readers will be open-minded, honest and non-judgmental.
- – If appropriate, readers will suggest that clients consult a qualified professional. (e.g. health or legal professional.)
- – When a fee is due, the amount will be agreed prior to the reading.
- – If at any time a reader feels unable to complete a reading, they will withdraw tactfully.
- – Readings will not knowingly be given to clients aged under 18 years without permission from their parent or guardian.
- – Readings cannot be given about anyone other than the client, and questions relating to others (e.g. third parties, such as partners, family members, colleagues, etc.) will be re-phrased or declined.
bobrealeasymediacom · April 10, 2021 at 10:01 pm
there are practically thethics i have always applied to my readings so i agree wholeheartedly, much as i love tarot i can see that it can be misused by both readers and querents tarot should nrver take away someones freedom of vhoice nor should it be used as a universal decision maker like some gimmicky plastic 8 ball. yours raven
Lynn Alice · March 17, 2022 at 5:00 pm
I love this. These really are the “best practices” that every querent should expect from a Tarot reader. Creating a safe space with respectful guidelines that honor and protect the exchange of energy, for both the Tarot reader and the querent, is a must. I especially agree with the importance of directing querent’s to consult a qualified professional when appropriate. Since Tarot is used for guidance, it often happens that a reading may be the first step a querent takes in seeking guidance and help. It is our job, as readers, to respect, have empathy and handle with care the individual and the specific life challenge or situation they are working through. Even more so if they are in distress. It is my goal as a Tarot reader to be a light in this World, a beacon of hope. It’s so nice to see the readers here are as well.
Jannie Oppenheimer · December 27, 2022 at 1:38 pm
I find these rules / guidelines the bare minimum that one should follow. I think we need to give more guidance here. Peace and Light
Carlin Stobbart · August 4, 2023 at 1:57 pm
It is wonderful that there is this space for Tarot readers to unite and to adhere to these Codes of Ethics and standards of service delivery. I agree with one of the previous comments that these guidelines are the minimum to follow. I see Tarot readings as a service for the greatest and Highest good. This is work of privilege to engage with clients in the Tarot space and great to honour the work in this way.
MicheleAnn · February 10, 2024 at 8:39 pm
Yes, I totally agree with these ethics.
Terringtonpinklady · July 21, 2024 at 12:06 pm
I am just starting out in my Tarot reading to others and I am so pleased that there are these ethics that we can adhere to. They make total sense and it is reassuring for the querent to have someone read for them who follows this. Many thanks for helping me on my Tarot journey.