First of all, thank to everyone who listened to my talk about Palmistry and glad you all enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed talking and could have kept going for the rest of the morning!
There were so many questions and comments and sadly I did not get a chance to answer everyone on the day as I ran out of time. I’ve put together a short Blog and hopefully included everyone’s questions, but if I’ve missed anyone, or if there’s something else you’d like to ask, do get in touch with me, either through the TABI Forum, or email me at:
So here goes!
From Chris Petta
Cheiros Thank you, from the Greek word for hand Cheiro was a well know astrologer and palmist and wrote several books on Palmistry and I have one entitled ‘Language of the Hand’ printed in 1967.
10:25:47 From Jack Large
Which hand should we favour for this? Preferable to read both hands.
10:27:26 From Chris Petta
I ve heard left hand means last life, is it true? There is an element of truth in this as left hand will often show traits inherited from family.
10:28:02 From Jo Masters (she/her)
My life line on my right hand is very defined, but very weak on my left hand. Does this difference mean anything? Without looking at your hands, it would sugges that your life now is very different to your childhood.
10:28:18 From Alex
what if the line splits in the later stage in life but both ends continue being quite long? Again without looking at your hands, it would suggest that in later life, you may change direction in some way or that there will be two very important issues in your life.
10:29:15 From Rebecca
I have a double life line. A double Life Line is known as a Guardian line. As you know, we all have ‘Guardians’ who watch over us, but this often refers to a close friend or family member who you are very close to and has always been there for you. Sometimes it does mean protection from a life-threatening situation too.
10:29:59 From Janine Worthington
what are your thoughts on the Simian line? when there’s just the combined heart/head and life line. A Simian Line is generally seen as a line of control. This can range from being a bit OCD to extreme controlling behaviour and there would be other factors in the person’s hands to quantify this. Very often this line is found on workaholics and those who cannot switch off.
10:30:13 From Alison Cross
I don’t really have a Fate line lol! A complete absence of a Fate line is actually quite rare, and very often there is some form of Fate line made up of small sections of lines running up the middle of the palm. Those folks without Fate lines are generaly those who accept what life throws at them and sees things that happen as ‘Fate’.
10:30:35 From Caitlin Matthews
Does fate line run from top to bottom too? The Fate line actually runs from bottom of palm upwards towards the middle finger, whereas the other major lines run top to bottom.
10:30:36 From Denise Potter-Hoskisson
neither do I, Alison (see above re Fate line)
10:30:40 From Iwa @Instytut Tarota
Me neither! faint only on R hand (see above re Fate line) If you have one on one hand only, it could show that you have made or will make efforts to be more in control of what happens in life.
10:30:45 From Jo Masters (she/her)
My fate line is really thick but kinda tapers off right after my heart line. The Fate line can stop anywhere in the palm and if it tapers after the heart line, it would indicate that a decision of the heart/emotions is made at that point.
10:32:23 From Alison Cross
I have a Head line – wooohooo! Other than a combined Head & Heart line (Simian line), I don’t think I have ever seen anyone without a Head line :O)
10:33:20 From Helen
Does it mean anything if there is a fork at the end of lines? Depending on which line the fork is of course, but the general meaning is that there are two options or courses of action. Very often it is a decision between head and heart/ duty versus hearts desire.
10:33:20 From Janine Worthington
My dad has the Simian on both palms (see comments on Simian line above).
10:33:24 From Alison Cross
Does the solidity of the lines mean anything – like a solid crease is different to a line being made up of lots of tiny lines? The stronger the line, generally the stronger of the qualities of that line is. Lines made up of lots of tiny lines, tassels etc often show a break up or dissipation of energies or qualities of the line. For example a strong Head line would indicate strong concentration and a fragmented line would show difficulties concentrating on one thing at a time, and probably jumping around from one thing to another.
10:33:39 From Tasha Lee
I have a Simian Line (see comment re Simian Line above)
10:35:20 From Vasko
I have the Venus and Sun ones 😀 I’m assuming you mean the Girdle of Venus which is a set of lines running around the base of 1st, 2nd & 3rd fingers? This line strengthens the Heart line and often shows an emotional empathy with others and understanding of their problems. The Sun (Apollo) line shows how we ‘shine’ in life and our enjoyment of success. Most folks have a short vertical Sun line under the 3rd finger just above the Heart line. Many well known celebraties have strong Sun lines.
10:35:31 From Iwa @Instytut Tarota
I’ve got Apollo line on both 😀 (see comment as above)
10:39:44 From Caitlin Matthews
The Irish words for whirls on finger tips are suile meire= the eyes of the fingers. I love this! Whorl skin patterns are generally found on 1st fingers but can be on other fingers and they do look like a peacock’s eye on its tail feathers.
10:41:24 From Rebecca
oh nice! The other thing that occured to me is that blind or those who use Braille, use their finger tips as eyes to ‘read’.
10:44:32 From Sam
any book reccomendations on Palmistry please? There are lots of books out there, but my go-to books for reference are by Sasha Fenton, Cheiro as mentioned earlier and Peter West.
Thank you to all of you who left such encouraging comments and thank
you’s after my talk!
And yes, AlisonC, I will read your palms next time I’m down in Glastonbury, with pleasure!
Blessings to you all, Magenta