- The Celtic Book of the Dead: An Oracle to Steer Your Life Journey
- Author: Caitlin Matthews
- Illustrations: Danuta Mayer
- Published: 2022 by Red Feather
- RRP: £27.99 (UK)
- ISBN: 978-0764364921
- Set includes 42 collage style oracle cards, a reading mat (thick paper) and 160 page guide book.
- Review by Clair Telford
Upon arrival a beautiful two-part slip case box greets me, containing a card placement mat that looks like an old map, a paperback guidebook with black and white images of the cards, nice sized with a mixture of italic writings, and the cards themselves – matt finished and almost regular playing card sized.
I understand that this is a reprint of work created in 1992 by Caitlin Matthews, who has written extensively about Celtic wisdom, symbolism and Western and Eastern ancestral and mythological practices. The deck’s artwork is very different from what I am used to – modern day collage with ancient figures and animals, some painted, some pictures. Every card has a title and appears to invite you in to explore the world awaiting you.
The journey of these cards is based on the Irish text of the Voyage of Maelduin. The first chapter of the guidebook describes the Celts’ belief in the otherworld and how stories were passed generation to generation; everyone came together to listen to tales of heroes and heroines visiting the otherworld. The Voyage of Maelduin helps us create our own stories through the Immram, our own voyage.
Chapter 2 includes the poem of Maelduin and our first introduction to the 33 islands depicted in the cards. Each island is explored, with a retelling of the journey that really does take you inward and invokes all the imagery before the next chapter reveals a divinatory meaning. I certainly felt I had been part of the surroundings described; it isn’t always pleasant imagery as some includes battles Maelduin has to go through, but then I didn’t expect this to be an easy learning experience. I am glad it has challenged my thoughts.
Chapter 3 explores the divinatory nature of the cards. I am in awe of the imagery before me and feel that these cards really do hold a special journey of discovery. Just as in another of Caitlin’s decks, the Celtic Wisdom Tarot, you are given a background of the card, a challenge you face and a context when next to other cards. The island cards, Immram cards, depict the images from each scene described in the earlier chapters. It does bring to life what I had been envisioning; I almost felt like I had entered a trancelike journey as I studied each card. Something new jumps out the more you look. Occasionally some of the cards move you into deep reflection of Maelduin’s journey; it can be a bit shocking, for example, to see a card that depicts horses eating each other but again that is part of Caitlin’s work that goes on to describe how sacred horses are to Celts. The meaning of that card is quite literally about how you react in certain circumstances and the thoughts you have when provoked. I have used this card as an example of how deep you can go in your direction and story; it makes you approach ideas that are not necessarily something you would think about.
Chapter 4 explores how to question the cards and provides layouts to use on the card placement mat. I used the heart’s sacred spread and was pleasantly surprised at the revelation it gave me. I had shuffled the cards really well and yet I got a sequence that gave me a narrative to begin the journey and connection to this oracle.
Chapters 5 and 6 explore in greater detail how to reconnect to the otherworld to find a sense of belonging, a place where we can meditate on both sides of reality, a way to observe our dreams and listen to the silence, and a way to become wiser for having taken this journey. We are given so many gifts, and this deck helps us become more open and aware that we can’t fix everything but we can find in consciousness a wisdom that will keep us going on our own life’s journey. Chapter 6 also explores the sensitivity of midwifing the soul. During the time it has taken me to complete this review I faced the loss of a family member; this chapter helped me during my own time of sorrow.
I believe this deck to be not just an easy quick method to get answers but a deeply moving path on which you will travel for the rest of your life with guidance. I am so happy to have been given this opportunity. If you are prepared to listen to the story of Maelduin and travel on this road to deep soul searching meaning then this would be the deck for you.