WRITTEN BY:Emma Sunerton-Burl


Family bonds; traditional ways; ancestral knowledge; strong thought forms; strength from the past; inner and outer wealth; good connection to the Self; understanding of creation; manifestation; emotional ways building structures of life; creating what has heart and meaning for us; freedom from negatives in the past; the enjoyment of release of old thought patterns; control over thoughts; balance between earth and spiritual selves; good boundaries; sanctuary; family joy and security; inheritance; lump sum of money; family home; own legacy; hidden wealth; finding out talents and abilities; formal party.


Unstable foundations; need to release outdated thought patterns and beliefs; release of family traditions; excess materialism; money instead of love; denial of the positives of history; destructive rebellion; need to claim the gold and strengths of past adversity.


When this card comes into your spread it is a positive time of your reaping the rewards of the past on all levels. Your challenge is to see the wealth available at this time if it is not immediately obvious. You can have what you have wanted to create at this time. Gather with friends and celebrate your cultural roots for the lessons taught and the strengths given. Allow yourself to receive from family, and family of your own choosing.


1. In what way do you avoid seeing the positives from your past? Now is the time to allow yourself to see and receive the positive sides of your history. You need not take everything as positive, but every difficult time has called up in you a strength that may otherwise have been undiscovered. Claim your gold.

2. What outdated beliefs are you still holding onto? You have an opportunity to release these now.

3. Who do you consider your true ‘family’?

4. Where does your truth lead you to go?


• Celebrate with those close to you.

• Acknowledge the success in your life and remind yourself that this is your starting point for the future.

• Pick further cards to show you what you have gained if you find it hard to grasp.


Wealth is my natural condition.
I am surrounded with family of my choosing.
I honour all my ancestors.
I am a clear channel for my higher Self to come to Earth.
I create heaven on Earth.


Emma welcomes any comments on this article or the visualisations you do following this method. Email her on emma@tarot-training.co.uk.

Emma works as an intuitive psychic tarot reader and runs one to one online training courses on reading with the Thoth tarot deck using a unique blend of intuition and psychological techniques. This has now been extended to working intuitively with RWS style decks too. She also mentors other professional and non-professional tarot readers. She offers visualisation MP3 downloads for intuition development, tarot readings F2F, telephone or distance, and healing – see her website for details: http://seeds-of-light.co.uk/

Emma has a Bsc in Psychology and is a trained counsellor, counselling supervisor and trainer. She integrates this experience in her Tarot work, and in her self-written training courses for personal development, Tarot and Tarot mentoring.


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