Keywords: 8 of Discs

WRITTEN BY:Emma Sunerton-Burl 8 OF DISCS CARD Skill; order; ability from experience; good foundations of knowledge and skill; practical work; sculpture; excitement in one’s work; enjoyment of effort; making good choices; self determination; thought out conclusions; taking one’s time; observation; no rush; freedom of choice; following one’s ambitions; time and Read more…

Key Words: 6 of Discs

WRITTEN BY:Emma Sunerton-Burl 6 Of Discs Stillness; reward; peace; success; love; receptivity; balance in masculine and feminine energies in the Self and in relationship; unity with others; good working partnerships; high self-belief reflected in the world; inner wealth; security; continued effort; meditation; plan for continued success; reformulating plans; receiving; being Read more…